Saturday, May 2, 2009

Cycladic Inspiration

OK. Here it is. Like I really looks nothing like the original...but this is what it inspired...not a rudimentary human figure at all...but more like a spade or some type of tool. But I'm pleased with it.

Some of the other pieces that I have been working on this past week. I've made some medallions to go with the beads Ellen sent me. I used the tear-aways that I made a couple months ago. I'm getting ready to make more using some of the Scribbler designs.

I made a pendant and used strips of clay to section it off. I like the look it gives.

Another piece from the molds I made a few weeks ago. This is the last in the set of drawer pulls I picked up in Tucson.

A square box. It has a font on one side and a replica of an ancient coin on the other.

A few miscellaneous pieces for earrings.

I need to move into assembly mode so I can see what I have and what I still need to make for the shows coming up.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, these are all very cool! I especially like the drawer pull piece and the box. You are just a rockin' machine with all these pieces you're putting out!!!
