Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Once again...

the week has gotten away from me. Work has been soooo busy. The NIH received $10 billion in stimulus money and at least $8 billion is to go for research. Everybody wants a piece of it so there are numerous grants and supplements to existing grants that we are processing. The tough part is that they all have to go through my office before they move out of the department. Luckily my new assistant is wonderful and she is able to jump right in and help. The days have been flying by.

I worked a little in bronze on Monday and Tuesday night. Tonight we went out to dinner with our daughter Rachael and grandson Matty. It was nice to spend time with them. We don't see the kids often enough...every one is so busy. Life seems to fly by. Of course Lou and I are terrible at inviting them over. Thankfully they call to tell us it's time to get together. If left to our own devices I am sure we would become hermits...both in our own little rooms working away...only coming out for food, water, and an occasional shower :) The kitties would be fine with that. They have already found their places in my workroom. Princess Sophie has a spot on one of my shelves where she can watch what I'm doing. Ben Diesel has claimed the ottoman.

Tomorrow is Thursday and what I consider the start of the weekend. Once I get out of work, I start to feel it....the weekend is close. I'll have a chance to work in bronze both Thursday and Friday night...and all weekend. Life is good.

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