Sunday, April 26, 2009

A couple more Scribbler pics....

Lou thinks they're cool but wonders where these weird images are coming from. He thinks I'm a little scary. But look at the drawings...the all have big eyes...which I realize are coming from Sophie...she has the largest eyes. The mouth is a cat's mouth and all look like they are smiling. I like to think of these as my muses.

A while back I had a few dreams that I had a talking cat side-kick. I attributed this to my need to get another cat. It had been about a year since Kitty passed and I was having all kinds of cat dreams. The talking cat dreams were some of the better ones.....I'm scaring you now aren't I. Then I shouldn't tell you that he wore a tricorne hat :)))) These guys are a little more punk


  1. Gail... those are wonderful! Love 'em!

    ...and you don't scare me... a cat sidekick sounds perfect for your superhero life ;-)

  2. Gail - these are really cool! I love them. Wish I could draw...
    I've dreamt of my cat many times since he died (4 years ago?) and he always talks to me in my dreams. Sometimes he is standing on his hind legs and is as tall or taller than me! Now I'm scaring YOU, right? ;-)

  3. I love these, they are your totems!!
