Sunday, April 12, 2009

Art and Power

For once we didn't go to a family dinner for a holiday. Is it Instead we went to the Cleveland Art Museum to see the Art and Power in the Central African Savanna. It's an exhibit with 60 central African scultures whose original purpose was to mediate between the human and spirit world. It was really amazing. Apparently I wasn't suppose to be taking pictures...but I did...until I was told not to. Here are a few of the figures. They are amazing. If you live in Cleveland or should go see them.

Then we went to Sweet Melissa's for an early dinner. It is on the site of the old Max's deli in Rocky River. It was very good. I had a blackened crab cake sandwich with corn salsa, avocado, tomato, lettuce, chipotle vinaigrette chive sour cream and Monterrey Jack cheese......YUMMY.

1 comment:

  1. What a cool exhibit! I've got to get over to see it. I like the guy with the screw in his head and the cowrie shell eye (like he's winking at you!).
    I love Sweet Melissa's! I eat there a lot. You should try their breakfasts on Sat & Sun mornings - fabulous! I love the portobello mushroom sandwich, oh and the margharita pizzette is great! (can you tell I eat there a lot? LOL)
