Saturday, March 14, 2009

More from Santa Fe

The first few days it was in the 60s and sunny. Today is snowed. There is something magical about snow in Santa Fe. It was lovely.

Yesterday I helped Cris and Anne set up their booths. Here is Cris busy at work setting things up.

We walked over to the convention center and met up with Susan Dilger. Susan and I have been talking via the internet and blogs for a while now. We finally got to meet in person. She lives in Taos...lucky girl and came down here for a few days to take classes. So Cris, Susan and I have had the chance to get to know each other a little better. Susan is very cool, makes great jewelry and it's been fun to spend some time with her.

Cris and I took some time to look in two really fantastic shops. Splendors of the World and TAD. The first had artifacts from all over the world. These were museum quality pieces and you were able to get up close and personal with them. TAD is a tribal art shop. Same quality. We talked with the owner for a while. I wanted to invite him out to dinner. He was really interesting.

Next to Anne's booth is a guy selling African beads and artifacts. Susan and I found these Fulani belts and neither one of us could resist buying them. The rings on the belt are scribed and they have a great patina on them. The pic is awful because it was taken on the bed. I'll take some better pics when I get home.

Today I was back at this booth looking through a box of ancient bronze pieces. Here are a few that I picked up.

At another booth with African beads I picked up this strand of brass beads. These have a really great color.

I walked over to see Stephanie and Meesh today. Here they are mugging for the camera. Their beads are great.

It 's been fun. There is always a great comraderie among the people attending the show and also among those working at the show.

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