Sunday, February 8, 2009

"Are you late for something"

Gail: Why yes Officer Dan, I'm late for my Mother's house

Officer Dan: Well, you were going 78 in a 65 zone. I'm going to have to give you a citation (he flashes a cute smile). I'll have you out of here as soon as I can.

Gail: (under her breath)...Fuck Fuck Fuck.

So tomorrow I have to call and find out how many hundreds of dollars I will have to pay because I was racing to my mother's house. I got to Mom's house late and apologized to everyone and let them know I was late because I had a nice conversation with a police officer. This elicited a hearty round of laughter from my brothers...and from me too. I had a really bad week and this should have topped it off but I managed to just laugh about it. I'm either really balanced or gone over the edge.


  1. As Dan in Real Life would say: "Put it on my tab!"

  2. I went over that edge a long time ago ........ why come back? It's more fun .......

  3. Or perhaps you are balanced because you went over the edge!

  4. HA..."put it on my tab". That was a great movie. I don't think I would have the guts to tell the cop to put it on my tab. My luck I'd get put in jail.
