Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

Oh...the start of new year. So many people think of this day as a day of change. A new starting point. What will you change in your life this year?? I have made resolutions in the past and as typical for most people....I broke them almost immediately. So resolutions for the new year won't be part of my routine today. I think resolutions for life will be my focus. The first is to continue my quest to remove the unimportant, unessential things that clutter up my life, my house, my pursuit of happiness. I've started by going from room to room and removing things that I haven't used in the past year. This includes clothes, books, furniture. When I walk into a room I am trying to see it with fresh eyes and notice the things that stick out as useless. Our house is small so it helps to get rid of things now and then and open up the rooms. I am doing the same thing with my clothes. I have clothes in my closet that I haven't been able to wear for about 5 years. I think it is time to donate them. I have 30 books ready to go to the library and a number of artsy/craftsy books up for sale on Amazon...sold 3 already. Then on to my personal life. Time to reevaluate what is important...what and who I really want to spend my time on and get rid of the rest. I think this should keep me busy for the year.

Part of my de-cluttering includes my workroom. I ran across a magazine today...Cloth, Paper, Scissors...they have a special issue out all about organizing your art studio. Some of the people featured have massive studios either in their house or on their property. Others have me. I have an 8'x8' room so organization or storage are key. I plan to soak up this magazine in the next couple days.

funny pictures of cats with captions
more animals


  1. happy new year cute friend!



  2. Happy New Year Gail!!

    I like your "resolutions for life" idea - mind if I steal it? I think that's a better way to go and many of mine will be similar to yours. Especially the cleaning out of stuff in the house.

    BTW, which issue of Cloth, Paper, Scissors is that you are referring to? Gotta get me a copy!

  3. Happy New Year! You and I are such kindred spirits! Focused at work (when I worked) and unfocused in my art world. I'm also going through the same things in my life. (Organizing, cleaning, purging) Good luck to us!!! And may we all have a prosperous and healthful New Year!
