Monday, January 19, 2009

Etsy Treasury...My First

From Etsy.......The Treasury is a member-curated gallery of short-lived lists of 12 hand-picked items each (plus four alternates). It functions as a high-demand (and pretty!) promotional tool that many devoted Etsians fight to get. Members can feature their favorite items, items selected on a theme, or just however they like. The Treasury is not intended for self-promotion, but instead to acknowledge and share the many cool things for sale on Etsy.

I'm in one with a bunch of other Cleveland Artists called "ooOOO Cleveland Rocks Metallica". Check it out as it will only be there until Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. ooOOO Cool!! Love the piece you have on that page and of course, yours is the coolest one there! I did notice there is another metal clay artist - soulyyours. We'll need to invite her to a Guild meeting!
