Friday, November 21, 2008

Next Show

I'm getting ready for Sunday. I am doing a one-day show at Landerhaven. It benefits the Cleveland Clinic Children's Hospital....specifically the Drew's Beads Program. Children being treated for cancer get colorful ceramic beads for various milestones in their treatment. The strand of beads chronicals the process. One day shows are tough because you have to set up, do the show, and tear down all in the same day. It usually ends up being a 12-hours day. I'm always glad when they are over. How do people do this for a living?? It seems so exhausting.

So I used my last pack of bronze to make about 30 pairs of earrings. They sold so well at the last show. I fired a batch last night and the rest are firing tonight.

The next few weeks are going to fly by. We have a family dinner at my Mom's tomorrow night. Show on Sunday. Dinner at Lou's brothers on Thanksgiving. Saturday after we go to Chicago until the following Thursday. Back to work on Friday...Yikes. When I was in my 20s I remember thinking that I wanted to cram every second of my life with doing things and going places. Now I live for those weekends when I have nothing to do...but even those go by too quickly.

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