Friday, October 17, 2008

Last day in Paris

We are winding down our trip. The last couple of days we have just been strolling the streets soaking it all in. Yesterday we stopped in at Notre Dame and just sat there for about 30 minutes. It is truely one of the greatest things that man has ever built. It was started in 1163 and finished in 1345

I have pictures of the stained glass that I will post when I get home...but they don't do justice to the intensity of the colors.

Walking around last night we went by the Repetto store. Repetto is a French ballet shoe company. They do sell other shoes but the back wall was lined with pretty pink ballet shoes. Now I myself never dreamed of being a ballet dancer.... but I have friends that fact there are pictures to prove it....all dressed up in their little ballet outfits. This picture is for them.

A couple of jewelry store windows. There are quite a few of these around as well. Just about every style that you could imagine. Haven't seen any bronze though!!

I probably won't post again until Sunday. Talk to you all then.

Au Revoir Bye-Bye

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