Sunday, September 14, 2008 it is

This is a side shot...taken by me...that's why it is so close. I gave Joanne a bunch of picutres....sorry're suggestions didn't make it in the stack. She took a look and then went to work. She made it funky for Paris. There are lots of layers and all I do is dry it and put some pomade in it to spike it. She is such a great stylist and very cool!!

OK......You are going to see more of my face, wrinkles, ect than I'm sure you want to see. Certainly more than I want people to see. I avoid having pictures taken. I am not very photogenic and looking at these pics gave me a wake-up call. I have a picture of myself in my head that doesn't match reality. My image of myself is from about 15 years ago. There is a big difference between then and now. But here it is...................... don't look at the messy house behind me....that's my dinning room table where I have been working on the bronze.


  1. It's so CUTE!! I love it! And you are very photogenic, m'dear. I don't see any wrinkles at all. You look gorgeous!! Watch out Paris!! ;-)

  2. Yo Gail... Looks GREAT!!! Makes you look about 30 to 35! ;-)

  3. LOVE it! its perfect for Paris and it'll be easy to take care of while traveling...sooooo coool....

  4. love it cutie!

    miss your smiling face!


  5. It's really cute,you look great! Remember, none of us is older than 29!

  6. Most Excellent Lass!
    For what it matters, I approve!
    Very Sassy Indeed!

  7. Very cool Gail..Nineteen hours til I get my middle of the back locks cut give me hope! It looks a hip, cool, edgy way!
