Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Wow!! What a weekend. Imagine spending time with great artists who are even greater friends in the middle of the desert with a swimming pool out the backdoor. It was truely a weekend to recharge your soul. That is just what I did last weekend. Cris and I travelled to Tucson to stay with the amazing Anne. It was part pajama party, part art retreat, part pool party. I am so grateful to call these 2 women "friends" and have them in my life. And the icing on the cake was that Bria spent the entire weekend with us too. She was such fun!!

We got there on Thursday and just chilled. Went out for Mexican food....yum!!! Friday we got going working with the bronze clay but not before taking a morning swim. We seemed to migrate between the work table, the pool, and starting Friday night, the Olympics. Here is the gang, Cris on the left. Anne and Bria on the right.

We were machines....especially Bria. We made so many pieces that we had to do 2 runs and still didn't get all of them fired. Below are some of my pieces from the first run.

The piece below was a challenge...It broke along a design line. I used slip to put it back together and proceded to strap the two sides together...just to have it break again down the same line and take a chunk out of the middle. So a second batch of slip and a more careful approach to the strapping and it came out of the kiln with that ancient relic look.

Down in The Lost Barrio District we found some old doors that used metal straps to repair areas of damage.

After a hard day's work :)) We all relaxed to watch the Olympics.

More tomorrow.

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