Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Vitamin D Deficiency

That is what I have. I had blood drawn for my physical and they found my Vitamin D level extremely low. Who knew?? It causes fragile bones, bone pain, muscle pain, fatigue.....hell....I just thought I was getting old. So I am taking mega Vitamin D for the next 8 weeks and then down to a more normal level after that. We get vitamin D from some fish, fortified milk, and sunlight. I don't eat fish, I only have milk with cereal and that's not very often and I have been referred to as being "fish belly white" as my skin is so pale. I don't get out in the sun very often. I work in an office all day and pretty much crash when I get home. I have to try to get out in the sun for at least 15 minutes a day to see if I can get my levels back up.

I have been working on my Etsy site. It is up and running with 4 bracelets for sale. There will be more added as I get time to photograph and post. The link is over on the right hand side. Click on Moon River Beads in the Etsy box. That was the name for my business when I started. It was the style to have a name other than your own, but in hindsight I should have just used my own name. I am now going by Gail Lannum Designs but I cannot change the name of the Etsy shop.

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