Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Making my lists

I am a list person. I like to make lists and then check off the items. I get great satisfaction in checking off everything on my list. So I am making lists for the show this weekend. What to take on Thursday for setting up the tent. What to bring on Friday prior to the show. There's a chance of showers this weekend so keep your fingers crossed. I wish I had some picutres to post but as soon as I sign off here I am going to patina some of my PMC pieces and finish them off for the show.

I feel bad that I haven't taken any pics of the new stuff that I have made. There hasn't been time. But I can leave you with something I found today. On Art Jewelry magazines website they have some really great pieces in a gallery on the Next Generation of Enamalists. Below is a piece by Carolyn Currin. This gives me so many ideas of new things to do with some of the techniques that I learned at B&B. Check out the site for the other pieces.

I probably won't be posting until after the show. Talk to you Sunday. I'll have pictures of my booth and the show in general.


  1. Go, Gail, Go! Sell lots and have fun and make sure to talk nice to everyone who comes by, even those freaks who think you're deaf and can't hear their comments on your things. Those were always my favorite folks! So oblivious. What can you do but laugh?

    I'm keeping my fingers and toes and beer bottles crossed for you!

  2. Good Luck girl ....... keep me posted .....
    I'll be at the Worthington show .. we will have to compare notes


  3. sometimes i write things on my list that i've already done, just so i can check them off...

    good luck at the show this weekend!
