Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I'm a machine....

I have made 5 bracelets in the last two nights. It probably doesn't sound like much but it is about 1 per hour. The assembly only takes a few is the design that can take forever. Trying this bead or that until I like what I see. My goal is to have 4o bracelets for the show. I have about 3 more to make. I also have over 40 necklaces and a bunch of earrings. I'm just going to keep on making things until next Wednesday...then I have to quit. I have a specific time I was assigned to set the tent up next Thursday. That's because they allow you to drive up to your site. After the tent is set up I move the car and can come and go as I please. Final set up won't be until Friday morning. I can't leave the jewelery there overnight like I do at indoor shows. I'll snap some pictures tomorrow and try to get them posted.

My sister started a blog today. She is in Montana for 2 months and she has some fantastic pictures. Go take a look. She is at

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