Monday, April 28, 2008

Nothing But Pics

These are the medallions I have been working on. More my work and less lampwork beads. Inspiration thanks to Mary Hettsmansperger.

And of course I am still working with a lot of lampwork beads....because I have a lot of them :))

I meant to post these pics on Monday but I couldn't get my computer at home to upload them. It might have something to do with the fact that I am still on dial-up. I keep bugging Lou about getting something else. He runs Radiology IT for the hospital system that we work for. He can send a gazillion bytes of an x-ray as a digital image around the world.... but he can't get his wife something faster than dial-up. I could try to use my feminine wiles to get him to do it.....oh hell....who am I kidding there are no wiles about me....I more a bash him over the head type of woman. But as most women soon find out....if you want something it yourself. So I am off to research whether cable or DSL is better. I can get a router from AT&T or get it through our cable company...although I heard that bandwidth can be compromised on cable if there are a lot of subscribers on line. No matter.... I plan to have something different soon.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the necklaces Gail. Especially the pokeadot one!
    Good idea making lower cost items to sell. I'm doing the same with my bead-weaving. I hear buying
    is down so.... making something smaller
    and less expensive and ABSOLUTELY
    IRRESISTIBLE is smart!
