Saturday, March 29, 2008


Thanks to all of you who commented or e-mailed. It's nice to know there are people that care and who are willing to kick ass for me. You girls ROCK!!!

I made it through Friday at work. Although I kept sniffling while I was sitting at my desk. But time and distance gives you better prospective. It's's not worth this much heartache. One of my co-workers sent me an e-mail that simply put stated that you can choose to accept someone's garbage or not. In the future I choose NOT. What truely matters is family and friends.

Speaking of family, I picked Lou up at the airport last night. It's so good to have him home. We curled up on the couch for a while last night until he started to crash. It took 27 hours to get home so he was tired. As I write this he is taking a nap. Korea is 13 hours ahead so it messed up his internal clock. Tonight we are having dinner with my family and tomorrow I am spending in my workroom. It's a good weekend.

And hopefully I won't have any more tirades for a while :))

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