Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Every Vote Matters....a Poem by Tara Bradford

Tara from Paris Parfait graciously let me post her poem. She says it quite's time for change and time to repair.....

Yes, we can
exercise our rights
and raise our voices,
like magic at the ballot box
as we vote for change
and begin to repair this world.

Together, we can
rediscover justice and equality;
opportunity and prosperity;
the promise America represented
when she stood strong and proud:
a shining beacon of light.

Yes, we can
begin to heal this nation.
No matter what obstacles stand in our way,
nothing can stem the power of millions of voices calling for change.
We are one people; one nation
and together we will write the next chapter of the American story.

Yes, we can.
Together, we can bind old wounds,
tear down walls and find common ground
and unite, merging our hopes and dreams
for a better, more tolerant country
with liberty and justice for all.

Yes, we can! Si, se puede!


  1. Gail, thank you! The poem was inspired by a speech by Sen. Barack Obama. Some of his words are incorporated in my poem, including "Yes, we can."
