Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year

One of the things that both Lou and I agree on is 2007 just flew by. Last night we went to dinner with Lou's son and his wife...Jason and Megaly... possibly the cutest couple I know...

and Lou's golf buddy and wife...Gene and Barbara....definetely the nicest couple I know. Plus Gene has the honor of being named Lou's second wife since he spends more time with Gene during golf season than he does with me.

And Lou and I....he just loves it when I squish his head into mine. I don't remember tugging on him this hard...but it's not unusual for me to get him in a headlock.

We went to Farenheit in Tremont. The food was amazing...fried goat cheese salad with a sour cherry tapanade. Steak over a gruyere and fontina cheese lasagne with a wine sauce. It was wonderful. It was an early seating so we went to dinner at 6pm and we were home by 9pm. I suggested we might stop at my brother's party...but then Lou reminded me that we weren't invited. So we went home and watched a movie with the kids. They left before midnight to go to church. Lou and I struggled to stay up ....we are getting old. He crashed at midnight and then I stayed up until 2AM reading The Thirteenth Tale. It's a mystery / ghost story.

Such a cold, blustery and snowy day today. The weather forcast is for snow through the week and to warm up on the weekend. I hope so. I have a metals workshop at the Chagrin Falls Art Center with Mary Hettsmansperger. I don't want to miss it because I can't get there. I took a twining class from her at B&B last year. It was a great class and she's a fun teacher.

Resolutions.....do I even go there? I make them and never keep them...but here goes.

This year I want to devote more time to my jewelry. I am in this terrible rut of coming home exhausted, sitting in front of the TV and not doing anything until it's time for bed...which is usually 1-2AM. So the key to spending more time on jewelry is to get more sleep during the week, break away from the TV and spend my time at my bench.

I want to eat healthier. Another part of my rut is eating too much fast food. On the way home I can't even imagine coming home to cook, so the car just pulls into the drive thru. I'm going to have to find some quick and easy recipies. If you have any....forward them to me. And hopefully eating healthier will lead to some weight loss.

So weight loss makes the list. Along with eating healther I need to start an exercise program. I pulled a schedule for walking off the internet. I need to work up to a full workout. This one starts with 10-15 minutes a day and builds you up to 30 minutes in a month and goes up from there. Cleveland Clinic is so large and has a number of skyways. I need to take a break during the day and walk. I get antsy at 3PM anyway so that would be a good time to take a break.

Spring clean my life. Get rid of things that I don't need (garage sale time), stop doing activites that don't contribute to the goals (I think I might have to quit my job...yeah....like that's going to happen), and stop associating with people who suck the energy out of my life.

Happy New Year. I hope it will be a good one.

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