Monday, October 22, 2007

Manic Monkey Week

I can't believe it has been a week since I last posted. What a busy week. Last Friday and Saturday I had a show on the east side of Cleveland.... which sucked. I did big business last year, but this year they brought in another jewelry artist with work extremely similar to mine and put her 2 doors down. The way the traffic flowed...they hit her before me....I sold 25% of what I sold last year. I expect a number of jewelry artists at shows....that's just the way it is...everyone makes jewelry these days. But I haven't been at a show before when they have juried in somone whose work is so similar. That's what happens when the show promoters are more intersted in selling booth space then trying to have balance. Not sure I will go back next year. I'll have to see how the rest of the shows go this year.

Sunday Jennifer and I did a resin demo for our PMC guild. I"ll post some pics of the resin jewelry later tonight. That was fun. I love talking about making jewelry and this group is such a great group of women. After the guild meeting (Lou refers to it as a coven since we convert something the consistency of clay to fine silver) I went to my step-son's house warming. Jason and Maggie are such a great couple. We took them out to Santa Fe with us last year and had a lot of fun. Pic of them below.

Monday I worked at home so we could get a new furnace and central air installed. I've gone my whole life living in houses without central air. Now I have it and I can't use it until next summer. I can't wait for it to get hot........hahahahahaha.....cause I will be stayin' cool in my house.

1 comment:

  1. You will always be a nasty girl to me! Tell the witch for me to shut her effing mouth. Don't let crap like that get you down. There are always people who want to blame their own patheticness on other people.
    Love ya babe!
