Inspiration comes from many things, places, and people. I don't know why but as I drive to and from my day job, designs pop into my head. Probably because I like to drive and while I'm on the highway I get into a zone. The creative wheels start spinning. It might also be the scenery :) ...well not on the way to work. I see steel mills as I drive across the 490 bridge. But on the way home I get a view of St. Theodosious sitting up on the hill in Tremont. It is a Russian Orthodox church that is probably most famous for being in the Deer Hunter. The domes are amazing and they have the greatest patina.
Some inspiration comes from instructors. Take a class with Celie Fago and you are inspired to perfection while a class with Susan Lenart Kazmer will inspire you to push the boundaries of conventional design.
Some inspiration comes from other artists. Who hasn't been inspired to do enamaling after seeing the work of Angela Gerhard.....or try putting color on metal with colored pencils when you see Deb Karash's work.
Some inspiration comes from friends and acquaintances in their passion for their art, their drive to create something greater than the everyday experience, the love and support they give to fellow artists.
Keep your eyes, ears, and hearts open and let the inspiration in.