Anyway. I grabbed the green piece from below and retorched it tonight to see if I could get some different colors. This is what I got. The colors are a bit more vibrant in person and there is a hint of purple in it. Metal patinas are just so cool!!!
After the torch. This one gave such a great brownish green. It looks so old.
That's all for tonight. It's been a long day. Lou's surgery went well. We were in by 9:30A and out by 1:30P. I think I was more nervous than Lou. The whole crew down at the surgical center were wonderful. He had an umbilical hernia that had to be fixed. I told him that they needed to re-tie the knot in his belly button because one day it would blow and he would sail around the room like a ballon deflating. He wanted to know how long I'd been saving that one....a while :))) When he was in recovery they gave him IV pain killers and then some Vicadin. I referred to it as the "I love ya man" medicine. He started stroking my cheek and telling me how much he loved me and appreciated me being there for him. Maybe I can save one or two of those pills for later :))
Moe the Moo with a little color. I still need to fix his eye. He was inspired by a piece at the Louvre although I'm not sure they were cows (see pic below) and I don't think mine has quite the same look :)) But I like him and I want to make more. Guess that's all that counts.
Just a little peak at a piece of unfired clay. I got a really nice dome on this lentil by using a small light bulb. It had a larger arc than a regular light bulb. I dried a strip of clay across the bulb also so it matched the arc of the lentil.
While I was making this I kept thinking about the Paris Metro. It's been driving me crazy. This is one of the metro logos....
Next weekend Lou will be in Florida on a golf trip. I am looking forward to having the whole weekend by that wrong. I plan to stock up on groceries Thursday night and I am NOT going to leave the house all weekend. Lou told me that I am turning into a recluse ... DUH. Althought I'm not sure that is the issue. I'm work all week and most of the time get home around 7 PM and then I try to run errands, keep the house clean, and get a little time in the studio...usually very little. So I guard the weekends like a pit bull with a bone. I'm in 7th heaven when we don't have plans. I begrudgingly go places. I mail order from stores that are only a few miles away because I don't want to waste the time shopping.
I also believe that I have a finite period of time to get my jewelry out there. I got into the game late. I envy my friends who have found this passion at an early age. They have so many years for their art to develop and evolve. Probably my only regret in life so far is that I left art behind so I could concentrate on creating and advancing a career in healthcare. But there came a time when I realized that I didn't want this to be my identity. I needed more in order to have a fulfilling life. Many women at this point have children, but that wasn't to be my path. So I went back to art. I feel like I have to make up for lost time plus when I am creating I am in a zone. And as many of you know, getting into a zone...whatever it may a great feeling. So...I guard my time and others see it as being reclusive.